Create an Available Session


This tutorial goes through the steps of how to make yourself available for case managers so that they can book you for an appointment with a claimant in the future. A calendar(My Clinic Calendar) will provide you with a list of dates and time slots that all doctors (including yourself) within the same clinic have allocated themselves available for a session which can then be booked for an appointment. By creating an available session for yourself, you’ll acknowledge that you’re happy to accept an appointment that may come in the future.


  • To provide case managers time slots of when you are available to be booked for an appointment

How to Create an Available Session(s)

On the home page, click “My Availability and Upcoming Appointments”. You’ll be directed to My Clinic Calendar.

The Date Range will display only your appointments within the dates shown. Adjust the Date Range if you’re wanting to create an availability outside of the default date range (3 months). Click “Search” to update the Calendar.

Use the calendar as a guide to find an appropriate date for you to book an available session(s).

When you’ve chosen your date, click on ‘+ New Session’. 

A pop-up appears with the booking details. Fill in your details (fields marked with a red asterisk must be filled in):

  • The clinic centre (and room) that you’ll be attending the appointment at

  • First date of availability
  • Time block of when you’re available for that date
  • Type of Session Accepted
  • Session Duration – how long each booked session will be reserved (in minutes)
  • Level of Availability:
    • Available – fully available and an appointment is confirmed upon case creation
    • On-Demand: may potentially be unavailable and service providers will check with you first to confirm that you can attend the appointment
  • Person responsible for typing the dictations and report
    • Specialist – yourself
    • Operator – service providers
  • You can duplicate sessions for later dates that have the same session criteria
  • If daily repetition, select whether the repeating sessions include the weekend

When you’ve completed inputting your clinic session details, click ‘Create’.