File Reviews (F)


The File Reviews module is the reference point for you to access and manage all of your existing file reviews, as well as being a historical archive for previously completed reports. All your cases that are file reviews will have a case number starting with “F”. This module can be accessed by expanding the “My Cases” list on the menu.



  • Finding a case’s current status and whether you’re the next person to complete their task to continue progress
  • Accessing and viewing a case’s contents


The File Reviews module allows you to access File Review cases that you can find and access to perform actions depending on the case’s stage of progress.

Search and Filter for Cases

You can search for File Reviews by inputting details visible on the overview to specify a case you’re aiming to search for in the search bar. These include:

  1. Case Number
  2. Claim Number
  3. Type of Claim
  4. Name of Claimant, Client or Case Manager

.Other ways you can filter your search are:

  • Specifying a date range
  • Specifying the current status of your case (default is All)
    • Tasks Due: Shows a task you’re required to completed to continue the progress of a case
    • Case Status: The current progression of a case

Hit “Enter” or click “Search” to find your results, or click ‘”Clear” to reset the search.

View Your Case’s Details

You can access a case to view all of its details including paperwork. To open a case, click on the blue text (under the column “Case No”) of your case.


To view the contents of a File Review case, click the link below.

View Your Case’s Progress

You can check on a case’s stage of progress on the overview. Click on the blue text under the “Case Status” column for your case.


A pop-up will appear providing ticks to show which steps have been completed. The current status is the tick furthest to the right.

Upload Your Dictations/Report to the Case

You can upload both your dictation and corrected report into your file review case. You normally can do this by following the “Upload Dictations and Completed Reports” tutorial but if an error occurs, you can directly open the case to manually upload your documents within the case:

  1. Click on the three dots furthest left to your case and click “Upload Dictations & Reports”.
  2. Your case will open to Section 2. Case Documents, Dictations & Report Information. Scroll done to find the corresponding area to upload your documents (they will have the button “Upload/View” instead of “View”).
  3. Click “Upload/View”. A pop-up will appear where you can attach your file into the case.
  4. Close the pop-up. You’ll know that a file has been attached when the grey check box turns green.

  5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page to send the document to the case manager.